Welcome to PunctureVine Magazine (Archive Site)

Was it a zine? An art book? Was it high brow? Low brow? This print-based book was a valiant effort of unprecedented glory by two Tri-City transplants, and much like the perennial Puncture Vine, we were once an invasive pain in the ass.

In 2012, looking around the Columbia Valley region we found ubiquitous voids, every sense anesthetized by the emptiness. Was it really the case that culture just ran shallow in the deep river basin?

Puncture Vine sought to build the artistic culture and challenge the creative class of the area; we hoped to disrupt the status quo and make the Tri-cities a place worth calling "home." We invited all people—from Green entrepreneurs to nerdy academics, marginalized immigrants to local farm workers, punk anarchists and aspiring designers—to look at the haunting potential and do something to make it awesome.

We are no more, but contact Peter Christenson if you're fixing to get involved in the creative bliss of TC; he also runs Null Set Magazine.

Tribulus terrestris (Plant)

(singular or plural context)

Tribulus terrestris is a flowering plant in the family Zygophyllaceae, native to warm temperate and tropical regions of the Old World in southern Europe, southern Asia, throughout Africa, and Australia. And of course Tri-Cities, WA.
